Skin Renewal Method

Revitalize Your Skin with the Skin Renewal Method

Did you know that besides conventional skincare methods like moisturizing, brightening, and acne treatment, Mayu Spa offers a unique skincare treatment exclusive to Mayu – Skin Renewal? Let’s dive into what makes this treatment special and why it has become a favorite among our clients!

1. What is Skin Renewal?

Skin Renewal is a skincare treatment that combines Japanese massage techniques with Western light technology – IPL (Intense Pulse Light). While you relax, your skin is rejuvenated using non-invasive IPL technology. Depending on your skin type, this method uses light waves of varying lengths to suit your skin. Best of all, this regular skincare method is incredibly gentle and safe, so you can rest assured.

Skin Renewal Method
Skin Renewal Method

2. Why Should You Choose Skin Renewal?

The core of this treatment is using light to eliminate dark melanin pigments, fading brown spots and freckles. This results in a radiant complexion. Beyond that, this method also offers benefits like:

– Brightening and firming the skin
– Reducing dark spots and pigmentation
– Slowing the aging process
– Stimulating natural collagen production deep within the skin
– Tightening pores

3. The Skin Renewal Process

3.1 Makeup Removal

In the Skin Renewal process, makeup removal is an essential step to eliminate excess oil and impurities from the face. Mayu Spa uses cleansing balm – a type of makeup remover suitable for all skin types. Additionally, cleansing balm can be used around the eye area while still maintaining the skin’s smoothness.

3.2 Clensing

While makeup removal is crucial, it doesn’t entirely rid the skin of all impurities. Therefore, the next step is using a facial cleanser to thoroughly cleanse the skin.

3.3 Exfoliation

As the name suggests, exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells deep within the pores, allowing nutrients to be absorbed more effectively when applied to the skin.

3.4 Steaming and Oil Extraction

Steaming helps dilate capillaries and pores on the face. The heat causes the pores to open up, providing ventilation for the skin. During this pore dilation, excess oil and impurities are extracted, leaving the skin clean.

3.5 IPL Light Technology

After cleansing, the technicians will start using the IPL light machine on areas with brown spots and fine lines to “renew” your skin. After the treatment, your skin will surely be bright and smooth as desired.

If your skin is dull, with a few brown spots on your face, and feels dry, rough, and makeup doesn’t adhere well, it’s time to treat your skin with the Skin Renewal method. Visit Mayu and refresh your skin today!

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